The Portland Metropolitan Workforce Training Center (Metro Center), located in NE Portland, underwent redevelopment, which included the demolition of two existing buildings and the construction of a new 50,000-square-foot facility. Includes classrooms, meeting rooms, event space and offices, and includes space for the Oregon State Department of Human Services to support a new integrated service model for clients of PCC's Workforce Development.
Situated in the Cully Neighborhood in Northeast Portland, Metro Center currently specializes in supporting clients who receive public assistance, to attain necessary skills for educational and employment success. The available programs are designed to help Metro Center clients better position themselves for careers that offer greater economic mobility. Workshops, one-on-one assistance, weekly job fairs and other hiring events are all offered on-site. All services Workforce Development offers at the Metro Center are entirely grant funded.
With funding from the 2017 bond measure, the Portland Metropolitan Workforce Training Center (PMWTC) is being redeveloped. A new two-story facility will be built with classrooms, offices, and meeting rooms for both PCC staff and community partners such as the Oregon Department of Human Services. The redeveloped facility will support the programmatic goals of this center. PMWTC will continue to offer the existing programs and will add to those following an opportunity center model. Additionally, PCC is introducing affordable housing on the property in partnership with Home Forward..